Discovering Jordan's Essays

Why the Divine Creates Souls
Consciousness cannot end. Whatever it contemplates it learns to love. And whatever it learns to love helps consciousness grow and evolve. Our goal on earth is to learn to see everything and to love everything. And everything we learn to love expands us, makes us more beautiful.
When the body dies, consciousness moves to another place. The soul will inhabit a different form. But there is no change in the soul's work. Which is to go on learning and becoming. Forever.
Consciousness (the divine, the whole, all that is) divides into parts (individual souls) for this reason: to enter dimensional existence (the physical universe and its worlds) in order to inhabit whatever can teach us about love. This mission never varies. It is the lone star that guides us. It is how we choose species and entities in which to seek the truth we were born to find.

"I Am" Becoming One
There is a place inside that is neither desire nor seeking nor acting. It is silent and empty. It is waiting. It is the moment before deciding, before acting. It is the loneliest place, but it's also the portal to all.
Some people access it by chanting, "I am." But the doorway is through awareness of "I" - the infinite life of your soul. All that it has felt and learned. All that it has seen. At the center of the most alone place in the "infinite I" is the doorway to all. All the souls we love, and the all that holds and teaches us.
By meditating on your separateness, you feel the walls dissolve. You are touched by a thousand hands. A thousand voices whisper to you. The wisdom gleaned in a thousand lives enters you. It all becomes your strength, your fortitude to come back to the body. To go on living.

Time Marks Consciousness Becoming
Time is a way to mark change, to mark movement. Time would stop if nothing moved, if nothing evolved. But time never stops because there is no end to the process of becoming.
There is no end to consciousness becoming. Consciousness will always become larger, knowing what it didn't know before, creating what before it couldn't create.
Full knowledge - complete and absolute - doesn't exist now, or ever. The future stretches infinitely. Time stretches infinitely - marking each thing learned as consciousness changes.

Wisdom Vs. Belief
Wisdom occurs only in the moment. It is "knowing" at this exact moment what is happening and what must be done. It is seeing the path that exists now, and needs to be taken. It is knowing right and wrong, not as a concept, but as directions in the present moment.
Belief defeats wisdom; crushes it; makes it blind and inflexible. Watching the moment creates wisdom. Being awake, without judgment, to every detall of experience, creates wisdom.
Wisdom is always connected to action. Knowing leads to doing. Seeing the right path leads to taking the right path.

The Fragrence of Everything
Notice the fragrence of everything. Not as the experience of smaelling. But as an access to beauty, to All. The fragrence of trees is love. There is nothing your senses offer that is a more direct conduit to love.
Watch light fade in the trees. There is no truth that can be gained beyond this moment. It reveals everything. It is All speaking. And as the light recedes, it is All offering the essence of this life. Abandonment and connection in one moment. Loss and the slap of time next to a sea of love. All at once. All at once. That is the life we were given.

Jordan on moments of pain
Let the night fall without rebuke for darkness, or trying to delay and hold onto the light. It's just a cycle: letting go of all our engagements and intensions at the end of day; and then rediscovering and picking them up in the dawn light.
It's the same with health and illness: letting go for a time of all the things we expect to do in a healthy body. And then picking them up again with gratitude as pain and illness recede.
There is no end to the cycles of light and dark; or pain and recovery. It is like walking a long, up- and-downhill path, where there is effort and then ease.
Pain, the uphill climb, is not the problem in this life. It is in forgetting, as we relax downhill, that the path will again pitch upward, that we will fall.
Make moments between the moments of pain. Make them be love.

Preserving Knowledge
In time all things end. And even time measuring a physical universe comes to an end. The only thing that doesn't end is consciousness. And it doesn't end because consciousness is the repository of all knowledge. Consciousness is an ever growing library that will never burn of be destroyed like the ancient collections of books.
The central drive of consciousness is to learn and forever hold what it has learned. All human civilizations have sought this same purpose. Before written language, knowledge was passed down via ancestor stories, parables, and tales of the gods. The preserved knowledge offered wisdom about how to live and why to live.
With written language, the collective knowledge of the species, of incarnating souls was passed down in books. This is why books are sacred things, whether fiction or non-fiction. They are the primary means by which we preserve knowledge and wisdom.
Books are partly giving way to the internet as the repository of knowledge. But the internet could disappear in a technological cataclysm. And knowledge/words on the internet are subject to distortion that is difficult to do in a book. The knowledge in books is disbursed as opposed to centralized in the vulnerable cloud.
So books will remain essential to our mission of learning and acquiring knowledge for some time. The writers of books have a sacred obligation to seek and report truth as they see it from their vantage. When writers fail to seek truth, their mission collapses and incarnating souls grow more slowly, or in distorted ways. The work of learning depends on a commitment to see and report the phenomenon of life clearly. Honestly. And with the goal of lifting the collective awareness of all humanity, all consciousness.

The Altar of Light
Love the altar of light. Where it touches everything. All that is physical and all that is conscious. Meditate on light - whether a candle flame or the sun on the trunks of trees; light on water or on a granite face.
Enter the light - like a room that holds all your history. All you have known and felt. And then a larger room holding all that every soul has known and felt. And then the room of all consciousness. Pure awareness.
It is all waiting in the light. Waiting to be known, to be held. A precious thing. Which is nothing other than belonging.

Pain Teaches
Pain teaches us how to love.
In the spirit world love just is. It surrounds and holds every soul. It is the basis of communication. But there is a problem. Souls don't know how to generate love because they just have it. So love in the spirit world is unearned, uncreated. Until souls begin to incarnate on physical worlds they lack the ability to create love, to make the decision to love in the face of every obstical, every kind of pain. Love in the physical universe must be earned. We choose to act on love, or nat. We choose to bring love into each relationship, or not. We choose to be love, or not. It is the choice to love or not that teaches us the most. And that choice, unavailable in spirit, is why we come here.

What Do We Do in the Face of Pain?
Pain arises -- physical, emotional our awareness. -- unwelcome as it pierces Since pain is unavoidable, since it keeps showing up, there's no point in plotting to get rid of it. It will show up again and again at every age and era of life.
The most important question is what do we do in the face of pain? How do we respond to it? How do we live with purpose and meaning while pain screams inside us?
We can obsess about the means to stop it -- often impossible. We can rage at the injustice of our suffering, blaming ourselves of others for the pain. We can try to punish whoever seems the source of our pain. We can try to numb the pain, but in doing so will crush our own vitality.
What if our pain exists for a reason? What if it has a vital role in life on this planet? What if it can't be avoided because pain is our great teacher, because pain exists to help us evolve and grow?
Our response to pain is the center piece of our existence. Do we respond with anger, numbness, avoidance, or with love? When pain comes that is always the choice: to connect more deeply, love more deeply, or shut down and run.

Consciousness Is Thought
The colors of the nebulae are beautiful, but unimportant. They are just gas, just light. They are created by thought, which is the only important thing. Thought sees; thought knows; thought loves; thought creates. Consciousness is thought. Consciousness is the relationship between everything that's known. In the same way physical laws bind molecules of a nebula, consciousness links each perception since the first thought.

The Physical Experience of Love
The place where love is most easily experienced is in the chest in the act of holding. That is why hugging is an expression of love and a gesture where love can be deeply felt. In a physical body, the experience of love isn't centered in the genitals, but in the touching and pressure of chest against chest.
Compassion, one component of love, is felt in the chest. That's why, when seeking to experience compassion, you should put a hand on your chest. Touching the heart chakra is like pressing a button that releases love/compassion in the body.
The physical experience of love that opening of the chest - is an important part of learning to love here. We live in a body and that body has its own way to express love. The chest opens, the arms hold, cheeks press. There is an exchange of warmth, an acknowledgement that two living bodies are connecting and giving love.
Love on this plain can't be exclusively ethereal. It must always involve the body, an exchange - even for just a moment of our life energies.

The Problem of Evil
Everything outside seems dangerous. The rooms where we feel safe are defined by the familiar, the faces we know.
The people we don't know could do anything, say anything. We protect ourselves by deciding they are evil.
But the mere thought that there is good and evil creates evil. Because it is the means by which we separate ourselves from the other. Reject the other. Dehumanize the other. Separation-the delusion that we are not all one is what evil is made of.
There is no them. The room that seemed so small it contained just a single life holds everyone.

god's Evolution
Each universe leaves its mark on consciousness. And on god, the sum of all consciousness. Each universe is a step in god's evolution, as consciousness collects what was learned in order to create the next big bang.
What is awake, learns. god is awake. god is every conscious soul learning. God is not perfect because we aren't perfect. God will never be perfect. God creates in order to learn. Each new universe is inhabited by a bigger, more conscious god.

What To Do With a Day
Each day is its own lifetime. Each day is complete, a universe in itself. In each day hours of awareness are granted to a soul. To see the infinite ways love manifests itself. In words, in touch, in beauty, in belonging. To see the moment, as it arrives, in which to be love. To see each choice, each fork in the road and where it leads. To make the choice and learn from it.
Each day is its own lifetime. A time to see and choose. Days are not additive; they are not stepping stones to something bigger. A day is as big as life gets a window through which to see and feel All.
To be All -- God -- doing God's work. Learning and loving.

Broken Will
Will is a force within consciousness, a psychic muscle that is the source of our ability to choose. Will can be strengthened with awareness seeing all the influences pushing us, seeing our cherished values derived from love, remembering past choices and outcomes from what we see and know.
But will, as a force within consciousness, can also be weakened, even broken. We do this by acting robotically. By forever reacting, rather than choosing. A picture of broken will can be had by watching a drunk stumble down the street. Each step is a reaction, not a choice. Each step is a cor- rection in gate or posture to prevent an imminent fall. Each step copes with the forces of gravity or enertia, and has one goal: stay upright to get to the liquor store.
Broken will reacts; broken will responds exclusively to the drives/ desires of body and mind. Broken will chooses in the dark light of awareness.
This Is Why We’re Here
Jordan…Why Beauty is Truth
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